only 5 minutes gravity form setup

Gravity Form is very powerful or helpful for WordPress website.
You can do build/create using gravity Form:

                                      Company information form
                                      User Form
                                     Contact us
                                     Pop up form
                                    Subscription form
                                   Multistep/multipage form
                                  Conditional form
                                 Visa form
                                Logic form
                                Quiz form
                               Admission form
                              Paypal form
and many more ----  form adds using Gravity Form

               I see how to setup Gravity Form and create single gravity form

               After form install & activate > click “Form” > all form >
              enter license  > next
             You will see license is enabled
                Next > next > create a form 

               Label and placeholder:

Phone Format:


USA : (###)###-####: (144)347-8879
**** International: any phone number (Use this one always for phone)

Simple Form design

process you click this field and edit and update:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone 
  • Message 
  • Gender : radio - Mail/ Female / 3rd Gender 
  • Course: Dropdown - wp/ web / lead 
  • Checkbox, I agree

Simple work Finish If you need any complex form just you contact or hire me very low price high quilty work:

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