wordpress speed 85+ only 5 hours

is your site fast enough?? don't lose sales. check your server speed.

 your website is slow?? Do visitors hate your site?? you are worried about slow site.no tension I will  give you perfect solution for wordpress speed up.

speed up best plugin
1.wp rocket
2.w3 total cache
4.wp smush pro
5.wp hummingbird

                                     How to configure it:

**********************************wp rocket configure ***************


from dashboard top > WP ROCKET > Settings > Lazzt Load

BASIC > LazyLoad:
">> Tick -> Enable for images 
>> Tick -> Enable LazyLoad for iframes and videos Enable for iframes and videos"

Mobile cache:
Enable -> caching for mobile devices
Enable ->  Separate cache files for mobile devices

Enable -> Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users

SSL cache:
Enable -> Enable caching for pages with https://

Emoji cache: Enable (By default)
Use default emoji of visitors’ browser instead of loading emoji from WordPress.org

>>  Disable WordPress Embeds

Cache lifespan: >>
Cache lifespan: 10 hours

WP ROCKET > Settings > Static Files
Minify files >>
CSS (must - see what is the state of the website - after caching of CSS)

Combine files:
Google Fonts - Enable
CSS - Enable

Remove query strings:
Enable -> Remove query strings from static resources

Render-blocking CSS/JS:
Enable -> Load CSS files asynchronously

Sitemap preloading:
Enable -> Activate sitemap-based cache preloading
Preload bot -> Enable -> Automatic

Clear cache - finally by WP ROCKET 

****************************w3 total cache configure******************************
//work on cache, CSS & JS, HTML & XML Files
1. performance> general settings::
I. page cache --> enable ...> save all changes
II. database cache --> enable  ...> save all changes
II. object cache --> enable  ...> save all changes
IV. miscellaneous  --> disable gogle page speed dashboard widget > save
2. performance> browser cache::
FOR General::::: >> tick first 6 points 
v Set the Last-Modified header
v Set expires header
v Set cache control header
v Set entity tag(Etag)
v SetW3 Total Cache header
v Enable HTT(gzip) compression

If you use in this techinque I think you get  website good result for speed up If you need my pro plugin for any help Just you contact or hire me very low price:bit.ly/speedyupblog

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