Elementor common error and it solve


1.Content Area Missing in Elementor Error
2. Getting a Blank Page on Elementor
3.Getting a gray page while Editing with Elementor
4.Can’t Access Edit Page on Elementor
5. Changes not visible in Elementor
6. The Publish/Update button not Working on Elementor
7.Elementor 500 Error

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How to it solve the problem:
Content Area Missing in Elementor Error solve:
 Tecnique1:you do change your active theme
Tecnique2:If you do not want to switch to a different theme, then you can try this alternative. Add the the_content function into the page template’s code by just adding this line: <?php the_content(); ?>

 Getting a Blank Page on Elementor error solve:

  Tecnique1:You can contact your hosting company and request them to increase your website’s WP memory

Tecnique2:Go to WP Dashboard > Elementor > Settings. Click on the Advanced tab and enable the switch editor loader method and check if the issue is resolved or not.
Tecnique3: In some cases, it can happen because the URL in the back-end is different from the one in the front-end. Make sure that this is not the scenario and know more about it here
Method 4: 
Try to deactivate any Elementor addon or other plugins and see if that helps.

Getting a gray page while Editing with Elementor it solve:

Method 1: 
You can resolve this problem by deactivating the plugins one by one (except Elementor and Elementor Pro) and identify which plugin is causing the trouble. You can also try deactivating Elementor addons.
Method 2:

 There is a chance that the root of this issue is one of the extensions on your web browser, to double check try to open the Elementor editor using another browser.

Can’t Access Edit Page on Elementor It solve:
Method 1: 
If it is the memory issue, you can contact your hosting company and request them to increase your website’s PHP memory limit.
Method 2: 

You can resolve this problem by deactivating the plugins one by one (except Elementor and Elementor Pro) and identify which plugin is causing the trouble.

Changes not visible in Elementor
Method 1:
 This can easily be fixed by going to WP admin > Elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS. Then, you can clear the cache (WP cache and browser cache) and refresh the page.
Method 2: 
Check if you have any caching plugins on your site or any server level caching enabled. Clear those caches.
Method 3: 
Clear Browser cache or check the site in a private/incognito window.
Method 4: 
This issue can be because of the theme. You can try changing to the default theme of WordPress such as Twenty Sixteen and if it solves the problem, contact the developers of your theme.
Method 5: 

If you are using another page builder alongside Elementor, it can override the content you have made with the builder and hence it stops from displaying the changes. To solve this issue, save the template and then add it on to a new page and it will resolve the problem.
The Publish/Update button not Working on Elementor
Method 1: 
This can be resolved by the WP memory limit to meet the minimum requirements for running Elementor. You can do it yourself, but it is preferred that you contact your hosting provider and get it resolved.
Method 2:
 Sometimes it can happen when the admin-ajax script timeouts. To confirm this, check if any error messages are appearing on your console by pressing F12. If you find a message which says “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413”, then add the following directives to your .htaccess file to increase the dynamic timeout.
<IfModule mod_dtimeout.c> <Files ~ ".php"> SetEnvIf Request_URI "admin-ajax.php" DynamicTimeout=150 </Files> </IfModule> 
Method 3: 
This can also happen due to parameters set on your server. You can solve it by adding an SSL certification on your website. After that you will have to change the URL of the site from your WP Dashboard in Elementor > Tools > Replace URL.

Method 4: 

Elementor 500 Error
he 500 errors are server issues, and you might be able to resolve these on your own. If you get the 500 error while using Elementor, you have to check the error logs of your server to see what is the issue.
How to fix it?
Method 1: 
Mostly, the memory limit issue is the reason behind this problem. To meet the Elementor requirements, the memory should be set to at least 128 MB. You can contact your website’s hosting provider and request them to increase the PHP Memory Limit.
Method 2:

 You can deactivate your plugins (except Elementor and Elementor Pro), any Elementor Addons and change your WordPress theme to a default theme such as Twenty Seventeen to rule out a conflict with a third-party product.

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