wordpress install manually

1.  create a folder on Cpanel, example: bhuyan(or if you want - at the root - just no need to create a folder.


3. >> UPLOAD WP new version -> AT that folder/ or public_html, unzip it, delete zip folder, move all the files to main folder, delete wp empty folder

4. >> step-01: go cpanel> mySql Database > Create New Database: minhaz > create

5. >> step-02: go back(mySql DB) > Add New User: cmbd12 > pw: give urself > create user

6. >> step-03: add user to that database: go back(mySql DB) > Add User To Database:  select: DB + select: user >> ADD 

7. >> step-04: Check(TICK) -> All privilege > Save
say :: database name: wpmehedi, user name: mehedi
http://bhuyan.com/minhaz  -> hit this at browser

>> start setUp.. language.. just hit next > next > next
>> give database name - user name - pw.   localhost + table prefix -> dont touch -> submit -> run the installation
>> final step: site title, user name, pw, email ....> install wp;  example: say- user; admin, pw: admin

">> enter admin panel: http:bhuyan.com/wp-admin or 
>> http://bhuyan.com/dashboard
>> http://bhuyan.com/wp-login.php
 -- user:
 -- pw:"

       For Forget  password

>>> WP Dashboard Id Pw Forgotten.
>> Go Wp-config.php -> see DB_Name:  .. we got it!
>> Go cpanel > phpmyadmin > click on your database > click wp_users > edit > change user_id and password(MD5) > save > DONE | ENJOY !!

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